Friday, August 17, 2012

Understanding the Value of Masking an Image

For whatever thing a basic understanding is required first. Without understanding its significance, knowing the subject or imparting the knowledge would be very difficult. Even in photo editing understanding the value of masking is very important.

Generally a mask is used to hide or protect the face partially or completely. A tattoo also helps in covering some areas but it does destroy the hidden part. Any design or painting also hides the face and gives a new look. But any ways these would create certain damage to the skin. In the same way masking is also a technique in photo editing which helps in the modification of the photo without destroying its original part. It can be said as a non-destructive photo-editing tool.
There are 5 methods of masking in a Photoshop. They are:
1.     Pixel masking: This is based on determining the opacity based in the picture. The area, which is masked, can be said as zero pixel area and area, which is not masked, is non-zero pixel area. This is very ideal for masking any imagery or hairs on faces etc. But this cannot be used on all pictures. Smooth edges and perfect edges would be difficult with this mask.
2.     Vector masking: This can be used where the previous one fails. Vector mask helps in masking out clear lines, shapes such as boundary facets. Here it is difficult to differentiate the pixel opacities.
3.     Quick masking: here using pixel-editing tools can make a selection. This is merely a visual depiction of the selection made.
4.     Clipping masks: This comes handy when there is multiple areas require similar masking. It is possible to group the layers and mask the group entirely. The best example is to mask a bunch of grapes. A single grape can be masked and a layer could be created, then the layer should be grouped which can be masked easily by clipping mask.
5.     Clipping paths: Here the entire picture can be masked. The graphic designers in studios mainly use this.
Other than these methods there are also other methods like combination of two types of masking, multiple masking, type masking etc.
Masking takes a bit more time when coming to editing pictures. It is sometimes a tiring job, which requires more attention and concentration. But the fruit of these efforts would be marvelous. Another importance in masking is that about the clipping path. Clipping path has become the popular profession, which is demanded by many fields of people. Without doubt nowadays each and everything requires proper marketing for its success. In that case photography is also a vital part in it. The masking provides a good range of advertisements that attract the eyes, which looks on it.
As the demand of this aspect is more the techniques of masking have also improved over a period of time. When compared to previous times now it is very easy process. When the concept and application is understood this is the most wonderful tool that creates a beautiful blending of images. As said earlier a better understanding of the values of masking is very essential before getting into it.